Hi, I’m laura.

I became a counselor because connecting with people and helping them brings me joy. My own journey through complex PTSD and addiction recovery gave me incredible insight grounded in lived experience. I love sharing this hard-earned wisdom with my clients!

A part of this wisdom is acknowledging that there is a missing piece in talk therapy. I couldn’t intellectualize my way out of major traumas that occurred and how those affected my self-esteem, my ability to have healthy relationships and to participate in what they call “adulting”.

Once I discovered somatic experiencing and learned about my nervous system, my whole world began to change. Before SE, I was living in the trauma vortex. Over time, I slowly became more comfortable with stability.

I learned a lot about myself on the healing journey. So here are some things about me! I love to eat grapes in bed and go for nightswims. I do yoga. I read A LOT about psychology, trauma and spirituality. I give myself tarot readings and fancy bubble baths. I’m kind, compassionate, and sensitive. But being sensitive doesn’t stop me from also being brave, powerful, and resilient.

Prior to my work as a counselor, I practiced bodywork, massage therapy, and energy healing for almost two decades. I specialized in working with perinatal massage therapy, teaching prenatal bodywork and infant massage. After a challenging pregnancy and labor, my daughter was born in 2012. She and I are both neurodivergent and proud! Being a mother is a very important part of my life.

In addition to my work as a counselor, I have led support groups, taught meditation classes and led self-care workshops all over Austin.

I have learned to live beyond the trauma vortex, and I can’t wait to share with you what’s on the other side.